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Home 》Committees 》Nutrition and Health Research Committee 》Carbohydrates Task Force

Nutrition and Health Research Committee
【Carbohydrates Task Force】
Task Force Objectives

Main Activities To Date

Future Activities

GR Project
Project Objectives

Main Activities to Date

Future Activities

Fructose Working Group
Working Group Objectives
 In recent years, it has been said that there is a relation between fructose and obesity or abnormal lipid metabolism, which has become an issue especially in the United States. Based on the necessity for scientifically verifying such evaluations of fructose, which is a low glycemic material, the Fructose Working Group decided to investigate the issue mainly through a search of the literature, along with promotion of the GR Project.

Main Activities To Date
Literature search using PubMed:
Human clinical trials concerning fructose intake were searched using PubMed, and 200 corresponding papers were distributed among the working group members. Everyone carried out a thorough examination of the relevant literature assigned to them, and they reported on the content. The results are to be listed up by each person, and then compiled in a final list by the working group leader. The work by each person has almost been completed.
Japanese literature search:
Searching the Japanese literature using J-Dream2 etc.
Investigated the content of "Dietary Fructose:
Implications for Dysregulation of Energy Homeostasis and Lipid/Carbohydrate Metabolism" by Havel, Peter J., DVM, PhD, Nutrition Reviews, Vol. 63, No. 5., pp. 133-157. This is a paper on fructose translated by the Fructose Working Group.

Future Activities
Literature search using PubMed:
The remaining working group members will submit their reports, and the compiled list will be prepared.
Japanese literature search:
Some additional searches will be carried out
Fructose paper, "Dietary Fructose: Implications for Dysregulation of Energy Homeostasis and Lipid/Carbohydrate Metabolism":
The review content will be investigated in two or three sessions. The main literature that comments on fructose (Am J Clin Nutr) will also be listed up, and the content investigated.

Weight Control Working Group
Working Group Objectives
To conduct a literature survey focusing on the "treatment of obesity focusing on carbohydrates" in order to prevent lifestyle-related diseases, and to verify the scientific validity of this approach. In, addition, to investigate evidence-based weight control methods from various perspectives.

Main Activities To Date
Each member was in charge of one or more of the following projects:
Literature survey on the relationship between overconsumption of carbohydrates and/or lipids and obesity
Scientific verification on a low-carbohydrate diet including the Atkins Diet by verifying research papers on human intervention trials
Literature review of human intervention trials regarding the relationship between Glicemic Index (GI) and weight control
Literature review on short-term and medium- to long-term human intervention trials focusing on the relationships between GI and appetite, hunger or satiety Broad literature review on hormones related to appetite and satiety, such as ghrelin and leptin Some of the results were complied in a review paper which was accepted in Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology. "Is Glycemic Index of Food a Feasible Predictor of Appetite, Hunger, and Satiety?" (J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol. Vol. 55, No. 3, 201-207, 2009)

Future Activities
Each member was in charge of one or more of the following projects:
The activities of this working group were closed with the submission and adaptation of the above mentioned review paper.
We plan to launch a new working group in the near future.


(July 2009)

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